Dorm Life

It’s the end of the year and I move out tomorrow, and although I never thought I would say this I am going to miss dorm life so much. It has been such a convenience to just walk down the hall to see my best friends, and to be so close to absolutely everything on campus! There are adventures and terrors to dorm life that just make it all that much more fun. I know when I move out and have my own place I will look back and think how crazy I was to ever say I enjoyed living in Freddy so much, but as of right now I wouldn’t have it any other way. Being in Freddy has made me more social and made me enjoy my college life even more. Next year it is on to the sorority house, so I guess we’ll see what adventures will come my way.

Warp Tour

I believe I have already complained about the summer time coming around due to all the friends I won’t be able to see for the next couple of months. However, I have decided to cheer myself up by thinking of all the great things I have to look forward to this summer, one of them being Warp Tour. Warp Tour is a huge concert that plays numberous bands all day long. The day is usually long hot and tiring and I look forward to it every single year. This year is especially going to be a blast due to all of my favorite bands getting to play, and I plan on dancing until the moonlight to all my favorite songs. I’m keeping my hopes high because I know summer isn’t going to be a complete bum.


I know people say that your freshman year of college is going to be the hardest so give yourself a break on your grades, however I cannot help but be extremely disappointed in my outcome this semester. Last semester I amazed myself and my family with a great GPA, and now that I have done my second semester I feel like I have let everyone down. I don’t feel as though my classes are very difficult I just can’t seem to obtain the results that I had last semester and it is really putting a damper on the end of the year. I have tried my best when it has come to my finals, however, I am still not quite reaching my goal. I hope for the best next semester, because I know I’m going to need good grades after this one.

Job Hunting

So its around that time of the year where I need to go get myself a new job. I have been working at the same pizza joint Papa Murphy’s for over three years now and although I absolutely adore the job I think it’s about time I find a new one. Due to me really needing the money I have decided to get a new job but also keep Papa Murphy’s around, so I will unfortunately be working two jobs this summer! I haven’t decided for sure, but I believe I am going to try and get a job at my local Starbucks. It’ll be a hard working summer for me but I am definitely excited about the income!

Never Ending Birthday

So my birthday was a couple of weeks ago, however, it feels like every weekend since then I’ve gotten a little taste of my birthday all over again. This weekend I plan on going home for a birthday dinner at the best Mongolian restaurant, Genghis Khan. I will be surrounded by family  and friends and a large amount of tasty food. Not to mention when I get home I will be face deep into the most delicious cupcakes in the world, they’re suppose to be a surprise, but my sister sucks at keeping secrets. All in all it will be a wonderful weekend spent with the family and I am more than excited. 

Pike Formal

Dear friends, I am designating this blog to brag about my weekend. This weekend I got to travel to the Lake of the Ozarks with Pike fraternity to experience the wonderful pike formal. I went to a lovely resort, spent a night on a yacht and made new friends both girls and guys. Although the ride up was a little rough, it was an amazing weekend and driving home was extremely disheartening. However, I will also be attending Phi Delts formal so the fun’s not over yet! 


As of last semester my grades for all of my classes were absolutely wonderful. I ended my first semester of college with a 3.53 GPA and my mom awarded me with lots of love for being such a great student. Unfortunately as the second semester rolled around (which I had hopes for being super easy) my grades have started to dwindle. I don’t know if its because my classes are actually hard, or that summer is near and I am becoming continuously more lazy but regardless I need to start getting my act together. I am stressing galore right now for a online class which I obviously have no talent for, and two classes with the same teacher with which I can’t seem to understand her tests or how to study for them. I have dedicated this post to all the other young adults who are encountering the same feelings as I. Feel free to complain and nag about your frustrations as well, everyone deserves a little time to just vent. 

Spring Break

Spring break is suppose to be a time of joy and laughter with friends and family, however when I got back to Kansas City I never felt more homesick in my life. I didn’t realize the effect college would have on me. I absolutely love being a student at Missouri State and a member of Delta Zeta sorority. I have become so comfortable with the friends that surround me and have never felt so belonging in a community. I had withdrawals from my closest friend and she flew down to see me before the week was over. I am excited for the summer, but I can’t imagine how I’ll live without everyone I’ve met this school year. Life without them will not be the same, and it’ll be a rough three months until I see them all again. 

Public Speaking

I’m going to come flat out and say it, I hate public speaking. I’m not an uncomfortable person and I know how to talk to a smaller group of people, however, just the idea of the word “public speaking” makes my stomach turn. There are days when I have loads of confidence and I know how prepared I am so I have little worries, and then there are those days where I’m so nervous I shake watching others speak. Not that todays thing was much of a big deal because our little talks about prezi’s was very relaxed, however, it brought me to the fear of when I have to face speech class (which I will be taking at my community college… in the summer). I have realized it is a fear I will have to overcome, especially if I plan to go anywhere in the fashion industry but as of right now I will simply worry my way around every speech I make, and pray one day the gift of public speaking will come to me.

Attention Spans

Wow, I never realized how short my attention span was until we began reading in class today. I agree with my original statement so much more now, that people are only going to concentrate on things that they are interested in. No offense should be taken to that article, but I think the idea of reading a four page (extremely long) reading in class threw me off from the beginning and made it more than difficult for me to pay attention. Almost the entire time I was reading, I realized, although I was reading the words, my mind was focusing on my day and what my plans were for the evening. I was taking in zero information from the article because my intention span was too short to truly focus. Its unfortunate and took me a little by surprise, but I found it very intriguing and took it as kind of a lesson to myself in class. We do need help, with our individual focus’s rather than together as a whole.